1. Learn to love vegetables! Have salads often in the day. And make sure to limit your salad dressing in order to avoid adding too many calories.
2. A great guideline for each meal is to have your plate be roughly 25% crabs, 25% protein, and 50% fruits and vegetables for each meal. If by the end of the meal you still feel hungry, then take more vegetables, only.
3. If you are trying to feel healthy and trim, it’s fine to feel a little hungry. If you’re feeling very hungry, have some fruit and nuts.
4. Try to make a conscious effort at each meal to eat at a slower pace. Take it slow and the food will even taste better. While you eat, take small bites and really taste and enjoy the food. This will give your body plenty of time to send your brain the signal that you feel full.
5. Try this daily recipe: 7 ounces of water, 1 ounce of pure cranberry juice, and 1 tablespoon of ground flax seed. Have this recipe twice a day for increasing your fiber, and for getting these healthy benefits: lower cholesterol, antioxidant power, and inhibiting the onset of estrogen-stimulated breast cancer. The pure cranberry juice will help cleansing your kidneys and liver.
6. Refined sugar is not good for your health. Try to cut back or even eliminate completely, as a resolution for next year. Honey is a much better choice. When having a sugar craving, have fruit instead.
7. Try to get at least 30 grams of fiber per day, because it’ll give you the feeling of ‘All Full’. And fiber blocks the absorption of sugar, and trims away fat.
8. Look for the phrase ‘100% Whole Grains’ on bread, cereals, crackers, etc., but also read carefully the nutrition labels. Check the fiber count and use whole grain pastas and breads. They’ll fill you up and they are much healthier for you.
9. Try eating every 4-5 hours so that you’re never tempted to eat excessively at meal time due to feeling too hungry.
You see, if you try skipping many meals, your body will go into starvation mode whereby your metabolism will slow down drastically, keeping you from losing weight and actually causing more likely to hold onto calories, next time you do have a meal. Don’t skip breakfast or any meal – you’ll make yourself too hungry and you’ll probably over-eat at your next meal.
10. Keep fat cheese to a minimum in your daily diet. Keep in mind that just a little can go a long way for adding some flavor to your meal.
11. Stay clear of tobacco. If you’ve tried quitting in the past and failed, don’t ever stop trying. If you make the resolution of keep trying every New Year, you’ll eventually succeed! And keep alcohol to a minimum.
12. For snacks, simply have fruit, low calorie popcorn, and 4-5 nuts. And just keep junk food out of your home and you’ll feel healthy and trim.
13. Wash all fruits and vegetables with soap, water and a sponge.