The best food to improve eyesight

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Decreased vision, dizziness, desk work which is one of the greatest pain, ease the discomfort can be eating black beans. The efficacy of black people has been highly praised. Ming Li in the “Compendium of Material Medical” in the record: “often eat black beans, can be immune to all disease life.” 1, black beans can nourish liver and kidney, and liver and kidney health to improve vision of great help. 2, black beans can alleviate eye fatigue, but also help prevent vision loss. Because the black beans are rich in antioxidants – flower pigments and vitamins beneficial to the eyes a. Black vinegar which can promote the dissolution of nutrients, help to efficient uptake of nutrients.

Vinegar soak black beans to be very simple, first of all a large pan, add black beans, but hold the oil, fry on medium heat for about 5 minutes, and other black skins into open, to a small fire, Zaichao 5 minutes, careful not to fry paste. To dry black beans fried after 15 minutes into a clean container with a lid, then add vinegar, soak about two hours, black vinegar is absorbed, you can eat. Vinegar soaked black beans in addition to help suppress the vision loss, but on the treatment of chronic fatigue, poor circulation, shoulder pain, hypertension, high cholesterol, also are effective, these are people who work in the office most susceptible to the disease.

Vinegar soak black beans can be eaten well the day after, in the refrigerator can save half a year, thus each time to do more. Itself has a natural sweet black beans, vinegar, and alcohol and soak black beans taste, more delicious. If you do not like the sour taste of vinegar, you can also add a small amount of honey.


Dessert – rice pudding practice

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Rice pudding materials: red bean, mung bean, kidney bean, peanut, white rice, blood, rice, barley kernels, lotus seeds, longan meat, red dates the 50g, sugar 120g.

Consumption: the amount of rice pudding bowl ten bowls of practice:

1. Red bean, mung bean, kidney bean, peanuts, put cold water wash after boiling pot, low heat cook until waxy, and then barley kernels, seeds washed into the cook;

2. White glutinous rice, glutinous rice, washes the blood boils another pot of cold water to the sticky;

3. To the two merged into a pot of pot, put longan meat, red dates into the pot, stir, later released into the rock sugar, low heat and cook about 3 minutes while stirring the pot off the fire back cover, rock sugar to melt it.

Material Effects:

1. Adzuki beans: heat detoxification, eliminates swelling, and eliminates bloating, diuretic, through breast milk;

2. Mung beans: heat and detoxifying, refreshing urination, swelling under the gas, hydrate the skin;

3. Speckled Kidney Beans: to improve their own immunity to promote fat metabolism and accelerate the skin’s metabolism. Prone to attract the process of digestion and bloating;

4. Peanut: lungs and phlegm, bleeding raw milk. Enhance memory, anti-aging, aging, hydrate the skin. Lower cholesterol and prevent atherosclerosis;

5. Glutinous rice: tonic blood, spleen Nuanwei, antiperspirant. Tonic for the winter cold;

6. Glutinous blood: Liver, beauty, Ze skin and improve dry skin; the adhesive strength is easy phlegm;

7. Barley kernel: heat the abscess, spleen to stop diarrhea, anti-cancer, anti-acne, whitening, to swelling, is the natural beauty of food;

8. Lotus: Spleen diarrhea, uneasiness of mind, kidney Gujing. Tonic, the treatment of insomnia;

9. Jujube: Spleen and stomach, nourishing mind, enhance immunity;

10. Longan flesh: Anshen nourishing the heart, blood Yipi, beauty;